Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog 5

In the movie "Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom," it displayed all of the ways in becoming an excellent teacher using podcast. By interacting with students outside of the classroom, podcast could be really beneficial. Students could use podcast and promote creativity and innovation in the process. I've learned by using podcast, your creativity can explode on the web and give others the courage they need to boost their ideas.

Wow, their are 100 ways to use your ipod to learn and study better! Who knew technology would be at the point that its at now? Just using an ipod, someone could do anything from taking notes on a notepad to learning Spanish. I never knew a hand help electronic device could be so beneficial. Ipods also have an application for learning SAT vocabulary words that could really help someone about to test. Not only has technology advanced, it seems there's no slowing down for it no time soon.

In Lanwitches Blog, it gave a side to me that would give a kid the edge he/she needed to get up and move in enthusiasm. The blog stated, "A teacher's heart smiles when students become creative, enthusiastic and take ownership of their work." I believe that should be true. But growing up in the schools that I grew up in, It seemed like they didn't give us the chance to. They always wanted everything one way. The only time it seemed we could be creative was in Art (lol). I believe by introducing podcast to students is very beneficial to the student body as a whole. Podcast gives students confidence and make them feel special in their own way.


  1. Allowing students to do it only one way is a problem in many of our schools. It takes a while to learn to express your creativity when you have had to keep it bottled up. Podcasts can help.

    Only 1 day late.

  2. Carlis,
    I definitely have to agree with you when you said,"Podcast gives students confidence and make them feel special in their own way." Through everything we have learned so far about podcasts, I have realized that students need to be able to be a part of their own education. They need to feel like they are involved and not left out. I noticed that you commented about the schools you grew up in. I've been a substitute teacher going on 3 years now, and I've definitely been in some classrooms that only had the students doing things one way. I don't believe that this teaching strategy is a good one. They need to strive. You did a great job on your blog!
