Friday, November 5, 2010


Meredith N. is in the 6th grade and likes her freedom of speech and expressing her thoughts. She reminds me so much of myself and in my way of thinking. Although all my thoughts aren;t mentioned on these blogs, I do feel this way myself. She talked about how excited she was about how she felt, and I think that is awesome for a kid her age.

JK McClung had a blog in "keeping the switch turned on." Teachers need to do all they can to keep the attention of out students ingaged in a lesson. We need to keep the atteention of our students to ensure that they get the best possible benefit from the lesson. To do that, we must keep the students involved in the lesson to help them stay interested in learning the material. Mr. McClung said, "We as teachers need to be aware of how challenging and relevent our lessons we present to our students are."

Mrs. Yollis 3rd grade class talked about good times in Italy. In Italy, they measure in kilometers and not in miles there. Kilometers is a little less than a mile (which is called the metric system). This means their towns are smaller than ours and living conditions ofcourse are different. Many things are done the "old fashioned" way. They make their shoes and repair them, they deink out of pumps, and pump water then have to take it upstairs to take baths.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carlis,

    Thanks for visiting our blog and leaving a comment! The post is actually a guest post by one of my student's grandfather. Nonno is grandfather in Italian. He is living in Italy right now, so I asked him to post images and information about that country. It has been a fabulous way to learn about the world and connect with classroom family members. Seeing his photos and reading about all the places makes me want to visit Italy some day!

    Good luck with your classes. Dr. Strange has an outstanding program and you'll use everything you're learning.

    Mrs. Yollis
